"कॉन्स्टांज़्" इत्यस्य संस्करणे भेदः

पङ्क्तिः ५०:
585 वत्सरस्य समीपे कॉन्स्टांज़् नगरे मताधिकारी वसितुम् आगच्छति स्म। एतद्घटनानन्तरं कॉन्स्टांज़् नगरम् तीर्थस्थलम् अभवत् तथा मध्ययुगस्य अन्ते षड्सहस्रवासिनाम् चतुर्यांशः करम् दातुं नापक्षते स्म।
कॉन्स्टांज़् नगरे मध्यमयुगे वाणिज्यम् सम्यक् अन्ववर्तत्। तस्मिन् प्रान्ते राइन् नद्यां एकैकः सेतुः कॉन्स्टांज़् नगरे आसीत्, येन स्वाबियाराज्ये सामरिकस्थानानाम् कॉन्स्टांज़् एकं नगरम् अभवत्। नगरम् क्षोमस्य उत्पादने विश्वप्रसिद्धिम् एवमपि समृद्धिम् अप्राप्नोत्। 1192 वत्सरे नगरस्य प्रत्यक्षनियंत्रणम् कर्तुम् निश्चयम् अकरोत्।
Trade thrived during the Middle Ages. Konstanz owned the only bridge in the region, which crossed the Rhine, making it a strategic location in the [[Duchy of Swabia]]. Its [[linen]] production had made an international name for the city and it was prosperous. In 1192, Konstanz gained the status of [[Free Imperial City|Imperial City]] so it was henceforth subject only to the [[Holy Roman Emperor]].
In 1414 toवर्षतः 1418, theवर्षपर्यन्तम् [[Councilकॉन्स्टांज़् ofनगरे Constance]]धार्मिकसभा took placeआयोजिता, during1415 which, onजुलाई 6 Julyदिनाङ्के 1415,सभायाम [[Johnजान् Hus]] (Czech religious thinker, philosopher and reformer), who was seen as a threat to [[Christianity]] by the [[Roman Catholic Church]],हुस् wasनाम्ना [[burnedचेक्देशस्य atसंशोदकः theसजीवदहने stake]].मारितः। It was here that the [[Papal Schism]] was ended and [[Pope Martin V]] was elected during the only [[conclave]] ever held north of the Alps. [[Ulrich von Richental]]'s illustrated chronicle of the Council of Constance testifies to all the major happenings during the Council as well as showing the everyday life of medieval Konstanz. The ''Konzilgebäude'' where the conclave was held can still be seen standing by the harbour. Close by stands the ''[[Imperia (statue)|Imperia]]'', a statue that was erected in 1993 to commemorate the Council.
In 1460, the [[Old Swiss Confederacy|Swiss Confederacy]] conquered [[Thurgau]], Konstanz's natural [[hinterland]]. Konstanz then made an attempt to get admitted to the Swiss Confederacy, but the forest cantons voted against its entry, fearing over-bearing city states; Konstanz then joined the [[Swabian League]] instead. In the [[Swabian War]] of 1499, Konstanz lost its last privileges over Thurgau to the Confederation.
"https://sa.wikipedia.org/wiki/कॉन्स्टांज़्" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्