"माक्स् म्युलर्" इत्यस्य संस्करणे भेदः

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पङ्क्तिः ६२:
# '''मानवशास्त्रीयः धर्मः'''. तृतीयोपन्यासमालिकायां आत्मविषये विविधपरम्पराणां मतानि उपस्थआपितानि। मृत्योः अनन्तरं किं जायते इति विविधधर्मेषु उक्तानि तत्त्वानि विवृतानि।
# '''तत्त्वशास्त्रीयः मनःशास्त्त्रीयः च धर्मः'''. चतुर्थ्याम् उपन्यासमालिकायां देवमानवयोः सम्बन्धविषये उपन्यासः कृतः। <ref name="Josephson-Storm">{{Cite book | last = Josephson-Storm | first = Jason | title = The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth of the Human Sciences |location = Chicago| publisher = University of Chicago Press | date = 2017 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=xZ5yDgAAQBAJ | isbn = 978-0-226-40336-6 }}</ref>{{rp|108–110}}
==[[भारतम्|भारतविषयकाः]] अभिप्रायाः==
म्यक्स् मुल्लरः यद्यपि भारतं न आगतवान् तथापि भारतस्य विषये तस्य अध्ययनं आसीत्। [[हिन्दूधर्मः|हिन्दूधर्मस्य]] पुनर्घटनं करणीयम् इत्यपि तस्य मतम् आसीत्। <ref name="Menant">{{cite journal|author=Menant, M. D. |year=1907|title=Influence of Max Muller's Hibbert Lectures in India|journal=[[The American Journal of Theology]]|volume=11|issue= 2|pages= 293–307|jstor=3153715|url=https://archive.org/details/jstor-3153715|doi=10.1086/478685}}</ref> सर्वेषामपि धर्माणां मूलं तत्त्वम् उत्तमं भवति, गच्छता कालेन तत्र धर्मे कलङ्काः आयान्ति इति सः प्रत्यपादयत्।<ref>{{cite book|title=Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion: Aims, Methods, and Theories of Research, Volume 1|page = 87|author = Jacques Waardenburg|year = 1999|publisher = Walter de Gruyter|isbn=9783110163285}}</ref>ब्रह्मसमाजेन सह मिलित्वा भारते सामाजिकपरिवर्तनानि कर्तुं म्याक्स् मुल्लरः आरब्धवान्। ब्रह्मसमाजः [[क्रैस्तमतम्|क्रैस्तमतस्य]] भारतीयरूपम् इति म्याक्स् मुल्लरस्य विश्वासः आसीत्।<ref name = "sha">Sharada Sugirtharajah (2003) ''Imagining hinduism: a postcolonial perspective''. Routledge. pp. 60–61. {{ISBN|8120840917}}</ref> तस्य षष्टितमे वयसि कृते उपन्यासे सः भारतं संस्कृतं च दृष्ट्वा किं किम् अनुसरणीयम् इति विवृतवान्।<ref>Max Müller, [http://www.gutenberg.org/files/20847/20847-h/20847-h.htm#LECTURE_II INDIA – LECTURE II. Truthful Character of the Hindus], A Course of Lectures Delivered before the University of Cambridge, Project Gutenberg</ref>२८ मे १८९६ तमे दिने [[स्वामी विवेकानन्दः|स्वामिविवेकानन्देन]] सह म्याक्स्मुल्लरस्य मेलनम् अभवत्। <ref>{{Citation|author=Swami Nikhilananda |year=1953 |title=Vivekananda: A Biography |p=106 |url=http://www.vivekananda.net/PDFBooks/BiographybyNikhilananda.pdf |publisher=Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center |location=New York |isbn=978-0-911206-25-8 |accessdate=19 March 2012 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120125032814/http://www.vivekananda.net/PDFBooks/BiographybyNikhilananda.pdf |archivedate=25 January 2012 }}</ref>
स्वाभाविकधर्मः इतिविषये गिल्फोर्ड् उपन्याससमये मुल्लरः [[क्रैस्तमतम्|क्रैस्तमतविरोधी]] इति प्रचारः अभवत्। तत्र उपन्यासकत्वेन किमर्थं म्याक्स्मुल्लरः आहूतः इत्यपि आक्षेपः आसीत्।<ref>[[#GMuller|Müller (1902)]], p. 262</ref> मुल्लरस्य उपन्यासः क्रुसेड् समानाः इत्यपि आरोपः कृतः।<ref>[[#GMuller|Müller (1902)]], p. 263</ref>बाडन् चेर् निर्वाचनसमये अपि क्रैस्तमतविरोधी इति कारणतः सः अध्यक्षत्वेन न चितः।{{citation needed|date=March 2013}}क्रैस्तमतस्य तुलनाम् अन्यधर्मैः सह कृतवान् इति कारणतः अपि तस्य विषये विरोधः प्रवृद्धः।<ref name="Josephson-Storm" />{{rp|109–10}} माक्स् मुल्लरः डार्विनस्य विकासवादस्यापि विरोधी आसीत्।{{citation needed|date=March 2013}}<ref name="Josephson-Storm" />{{rp|113}}डार्विनस्य भाषाविकासवादमपि विरुध्य स्पष्टनार्थं डार्विनाय एव पत्रं लिखितवान्। <ref>Charles Darwin. [http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2740 ''More Letters of Charles Darwin&nbsp;– Volume 2'']. p. 397</ref>म्याक्स्मुल्लरः आर्यन् सिद्धान्तम् प्रवर्तितवान्। गच्छताकालेन जनाङ्गीय इति शब्दस्य उत्पत्तौ इदमेव कारणम् अभवत्<ref>{{cite book|title = Mapping channels between Ganges and Rhein: German-Indian cross-cultural relations|quote=In later years, especially before his death, he was deeply saddened by the fact that these classifications later came to be expressed in racist terms.|author1=Jorg Esleben |author2=Jörg Esleben |author3=Christina Kraenzle |author4=Sukanya Kulkarni |publisher=Cambridge Scholars publication|year=2008|isbn=9781847185877}}</ref>तेन प्रतिपादितः टुरेनियन् भाषा सिद्धान्तः अपि बहुभिः विरुद्धः।<ref>{{cite book|title = The Origins of Himalayan Studies: Brian Houghton Hodgson in Nepal and Darjeeling|page = 20/232 |author = David Waterhouse|year=2002|isbn=9780203480359|quote = In 1910, a full decade after Muller's death, the ''Turan Tarsasag'' 'Turanian Society' was founded in order to study the history and culture of the Hungarians and other 'Turanian' peoples.}}</ref>
[[File:Friedrich Max Müller 1974 stamp of India.jpg|thumb|भारतस्य पत्रालयचिटिकायां म्याक्स्मुल्लरः]]
१८६९ तमे वर्षे म्याक्स् मुल्लरः प्राचीनतमायां फ्रेञ्च् संस्थायां सदस्यत्वेन चितः<ref name="belles-lettres" />
१८७४ तमे वर्षे पार् ले मेरिट् पुरस्कारेण सम्मानितः।<ref>[[#GMuller|Müller (1902)]], p. 462</ref>
१८७५ तमे वर्षे बेवेरियन् माक्सिमिलियन् आर्डर् फआर् सैन्स् आर्ट् पुरस्कारेण सम्मानितः<ref>[[#GMuller|Müller (1902)]], p. 503</ref>
१८९६ तमे वर्षे [[इङ्ग्लेण्ड्]]देशस्य प्रिवि कौन्सिल् सदस्यः अभवत्।<ref>{{London Gazette |issue=26754 |date=30 June 1896 |page=3767 }}</ref>
मुल्लरः १८५५ तमे वर्षे ब्रिटिश् नागरिकः अभवत्।
१८५९ तमे वर्षे जार्जिना अडिलेड् इत्यनया तस्य विवाहः अभवत्। तयोः अडा, मेरी, बीट्रैस्, विलियं म्याक्स् मुल्लर् इति चत्वारि अपत्यानि अभवन् ।<ref name="ODNB2007" />
जार्जिनायाः समीपे म्याक्स्मुल्लरेण लिखिताः लेखाः आसन्। जार्जिना १९१९ वर्षे दिवङ्गता। लेखाः आक्स्फर्ड् विश्वविद्यालयस्य बाल्डिन् ग्रन्थालये विद्यन्ते।<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/1500-1900/muller/maxmuller.html|title=Max Muller Papers|publisher=|accessdate=25 August 2016}}</ref>
==मरणं मरणोत्तरघटनाः च==
१८९८ तः म्याक्स्मुल्लरम् आनारोग्यं बाधते स्म। अक्टोबर् २८ १९०० तमे दिने सः दिवङ्गतः<ref name="gifford_bio" />
तस्य मरणानन्तरं आक्स्फर्ड् विश्वविद्यालये इतिहासः, उत्खननशास्त्रम्, भाषासास्त्रं साहित्यशास्त्रं, भारतीयधर्मशास्त्रं च पठितुं स्मारकनिधिः स्थापितः। <ref>[http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/general/trust_funds/max_muller_memorial_fund.html ''Max Müller Memorial Fund''] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110103023849/http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/general/trust_funds/max_muller_memorial_fund.html |date=3 January 2011 }}. [[Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford]].</ref>भारते गोथे संस्थायाः म्याक्स् मुल्लर् भवनम् इति पुनर्नामकरणमं अभवत्। नवदेहल्यां म्याक्स्मुल्लर् वीथी च नामाङ्किता। <ref>[http://www.goethe.de/ins/in/lp/uun/mxm/enindex.htm About Max Mueller]. Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan.</ref>मुल्लरस्य जीवनचरित्रम् लोरेन्स् वान् डेन् बासेन लिखितम्। तच्च २००२ तमे वर्षे प्राकाशतां नीतम्। निराद् जौधरिणा अपि १९७४ तमे वर्षे म्याक्स्मुल्लर् विषये किञ्चन पुस्तकं प्रकाशितम्।{{citation needed}}
म्याक्स् मुल्लरस्य कृतयः एवं वर्तते। अत्र १८ कृतयः सम्पादिता अपि सन्ति।
* {{cite book|author1=Nārāyana|author2=Friedrich Max Müller|title=Hitopadesa: eine alte indische Fabelsammlung|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Q1tAAAAAcAAJ|year=1844|publisher=Brockhaus}}
* {{cite book|author=Friedrich Max Müller|title=A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature So Far as it Illustrates the Primitive Religion of the Brahmans|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=6xUAAAAAYAAJ+|year=1859|publisher=Williams and Norgate}}
* {{cite book|author=Friedrich Max Müller|title=Lectures on the Science of Language: Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in April, May, & June 1861|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=7zYLAAAAQAAJ|year=1866|publisher=Longmans, Green}}
*''Lectures on the Science of Language'' were translated into Russian in 1866 and published at the first Russian scientific linguistic magazine "Filologicheskie Zapiski".
*''Chips from a German Workshop'' (1867–75, 5 vols.)
*''Introduction to the Science of Religion'' (1873)
* {{cite book|author=Max Muller|title=Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religions of India|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=9-0GAAAAQAAJ|year=1878}}
* {{cite book|author=Friedrich Max Müller|title=Critique of Pure Reason (German: Kritik der reinen Vernunft, KrV), by Immanuel Kant, translated by Friedrich Max Müller|url=|year=1881|publisher=}}
* {{cite book|author=Friedrich Max Müller|title=India: what Can it Teach Us?: A Course of Lectures Delivered Before the University of Cambridge|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=akoQAAAAYAAJ|year=1883|publisher=Longmans, Green}}
*''Biographical Essays'' (1884)
* {{cite book|title=Upanishads|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=-dq1_WC-Y5gC|date=1 January 2000|publisher=Wordsworth Editions|isbn=978-1-84022-102-2}}
* {{cite book|title=The German classics from the fourth to the nineteenth century|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=72NMAAAAMAAJ|year=1886|publisher=Scribners}}
* {{cite book | author = Müller, F. Max | author2 = Macdonell, Arthur Anthony | url = https://archive.org/details/asanskritgramma00macdgoog/page/n1 | title = A Sanskrit grammar for beginners | website = Internet Archive|archive.org | language = en, sk | publisher = Longman, Green and Co. | location = London | year = 1886 | pages = 208 | archive-url = https://archive.is/FkFEl | archive-date = 18 October 2018 | deadurl = no}}
*''The Science of Thought'' (1887, 2 vols.)
* {{cite book|title=Studies in Buddhism|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=aaxrFSsPXQYC|year=1999|publisher=Asian Educational Services|isbn=978-81-206-1226-6}}
*''Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy'' (1899)
*Gifford Lectures of 1888–92 (Collected Works, vols. 1–4)
**[https://archive.org/details/naturalreligiong00ml ''Natural Religion''] (1889)
**[https://archive.org/details/physicalreligion00ml ''Physical Religion''] (1891)
**[https://archive.org/details/anthroreligion00mulluoft ''Anthropological Religion''] (1892)
**[https://archive.org/details/theosophyorpsych00mull ''Theosophy, or Psychological Religion''] (1893)
*''Auld Lang Syne'' (1898, 2 vols.), a memoir
*''My Autobiography: A Fragment'' (1901) <ref>{{Cite book|url=http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/30269|title=My Autobiography: A Fragment|first=F. Max (Friedrich Max)|last=Müller|date=16 October 2009|publisher=|accessdate=25 August 2016|via=Project Gutenberg}}</ref>
*{{cite book|ref=GMuller|author=Müller, Georgina |year=1902|title=The Life and Letters of Right Honorable Friedrich Max Müller|volume=Vol. 1|place= London|publisher= Longman}}
* {{cite book|author=Lourens van den Bosch|title=Friedrich Max Müller: A Life Devoted to Humanities|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=62kTnQEACAAJ|year=2002|publisher=E. J. Brill|isbn=978-90-04-12505-6}}
* {{cite book|author=Jon R. Stone|title=The Essential Max Müller: On Language, Mythology, and Religion|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Q96EsUCVlLsC|date=6 December 2002|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan|isbn=978-0-312-29309-3}}
* {{cite book|author=[[Nirad C. Chaudhuri]]|title=Scholar Extraordinary: The Life of Professor the Rt. Hon. Friedrich Max Müller|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=7YXYAAAAMAAJ|year=1974|publisher=Chatto & Windus}}
* {{cite book|author=Stephen G. Alter|title=William Dwight Whitney and the Science of Language|chapter=The Battle with Max Müller|chapter-url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Vp-2RZAPVRwC&pg=PA174|date=9 March 2005|publisher=Johns Hopkins University Press|isbn=978-0-8018-8020-9|pages=174–207}}
* {{cite book|author=Stefan Arvidsson|title=Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science|url=http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/A/bo3770842.html|year=2006|publisher=University of Chicago Press|isbn=9780226028606|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20161221144834/http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/A/bo3770842.html|archivedate=21 December 2016}}
* John R. Davis and Angus Nicholls, eds. (2017) ''[https://www.routledge.com/Friedrich-Max-Muller-and-the-Role-of-Philology-in-Victorian-Thought/Davis-Nicholls/p/book/9781138633841 Friedrich Max Müller and the Role of Philology in Victorian Thought]''. Routledge
* John R. Davis and Angus Nicholls (2016), "[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09593683.2016.1224493 Friedrich Max Müller: The Career and Intellectual Trajectory of a German Philologist in Victorian Britain".] ''Publications of the English Goethe Society'' 85, no. 2-3 (2016): 67-97
* Arie Molendijk (2016). [https://global.oup.com/academic/product/friedrich-max-mller-and-the-sacred-books-of-the-east-9780198784234?cc=gb&lang=en& ''Friedrich Max Müller and the Sacred Books of the East''.] Oxford University Press.
* Joan Leopold, "Steinthal and Max Müller: Comparative Lives", Chajim H. Steinthal, Sprachwissenschaflter und Philosoph im 19. Jahrhundert. Linguist and Philosopher in the 19th Century, eds. Hartwig Wiedebach and Annette Winkelmann. Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, 2002 (= Studies in European Judaism, IV), pp.&nbsp;31–49.
* Joan Leopold,"Max Müller and the Linguistic Study of Civilization“ and Editor. Friedrich Max Müller, "Comparative Philology of the Indo-european languages in its bearing on the early civilisation of Mankind" (1849), in Contributions to Comparative Indo-European, African and Chinese Linguistics: Max Müller and Steinthal. Dordrecht and Boston: Springer, 1999, pp.&nbsp;1–206. [= Prix Volney Essay Series, III] With full bibliography of works.
* Joan Leopold, "Ethnic Stereotypes in Linguistics: The Case of Friedrich Max Müller (1847 51)", Papers in the History of Linguistics [delivered at Princeton, 1984] eds. H. Aarsleff, L. G. Kelly and H.-J. Niederehe. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1987, pp.&nbsp;501–12.
* Joan Leopold, "Friedrich Max Müller and the question of the early Indo Europeans (1847 1851)", Etudes inter-ethniques, Annales du Centre d'études supérieures et de recherches sur les relations ethniques et le racisme (Paris), VII (1984), 21-32.
* Joan Leopold, "Britische Anwendungen der arischen Rassentheorie auf Indien 1850 70", Saeculum, XXV (1974), 386-411. (trans. of following item)
* Joan Leopold, "British Applications of the Aryan Theory of Race to India 1850 70", The English Historical Review, LXXXIX (1974), 578-603. (Winner of Universities Essay Prize, Royal Asiatic Society, London)
* Joan Leopold, "The Aryan Theory of Race in India 1870-1920", The Indian Economic and Social History Review, VII (1970), 271-97.
{{Sister project links| wikt=no | commons=Category:Friedrich Max Müller | b=no | n=no | q=Max Müller | s=Author:Max Müller | v=no | voy=no | species=no | d=q60074}}
*''Max Müller''. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/396833/Max-Muller
* {{Gutenberg author |id=Müller,+F.+Max+(Friedrich+Max)}}
* {{Internet Archive author |sname=Friedrich Max Müller |sopt=t}}
* {{Librivox author |id=6535}}
*[http://www.itredaktion.de/verlag.htm Deutsche Liebe, Novel by F. Max Müller 1857, E-Book Edition 2011 (German), Philipp Grieb IT-Redaktion]
*[http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php&person=4417 Online Library of Liberty – Friedrich Max Müller]
*[http://www.giffordlectures.org/Author.asp?AuthorID=127 Gifford Lecture Series – Biography – Friedrich Max Müller] by Dr Brannon Hancock
*[http://www.here-now4u.de/eng/theosophy_or_pantheism__friedr.htm Lourens P. van den Bosch,"Theosophy or Pantheism?: Friedrich Max Müller's Gifford Lectures on Natural Religion"]: full text of the article
*[http://san.beck.org/EC7-Vedas.html Vedas and Upanishads]
*[http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_4/writings_prose/on_professor_max_muller.htm Vivekananda on Max Müller]
*[http://www.wilbourhall.org/index.html#veda Friedrich Max Müller, The Hymns of the Rigveda, with Sayana's commentary] London, 1849–74, 2nd ed. 4 vols., Oxford, 1890–92. PDF format.
"https://sa.wikipedia.org/wiki/माक्स्_म्युलर्" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्