मीडियाविकिसम्भाषणम्:Gadget-Numeral converter.js


* Convert Arabic numerals to Devanagari and vice-versa.
* @revision 2.4 (2013-09-30)
* @dependencies jquery.cookie, mediawiki.util, mediawiki.user, jquery.mwExtension
* @source https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-Numerakri.js
* @author Daniel Friesen, 2012
* @author Timo Tijhof, 2012–2013
* @author Siddhartha Ghai, 2012
* @license CC-BY-SA 3.0
* @license MIT

/*jshint browser:true, boss:true, unused:true, white:true */ /*global jQuery, mediaWiki */ (function (mw, $) { "use strict"; // Private cache & utilities var el, w, num, /** * @var {RegExp} Matcher for characters that can be mapped. * @example matchers.devanagari[0] matches devanagari numeral for 0 * can be mapped with e.g. maps.arabic[0]. */ matchers = {}, msgs = { 'option-default': { en: 'Default', hi: 'डिफ़ॉल्ट' }, 'option-arabic': { en: '123' }, 'option-devanagari': { en: 'Devanagari', hi: '१२३' }, 'label-url': { en: '//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Gadget-Numerakri.js', hi: '//hi.wikipedia.org/wiki/विकिपीडिया:अंक_परिवर्तक' }, 'label-text': { en: 'Convert numerals', hi: 'अंक परिवर्तन' }, 'label-tooltip': { en: 'Convert between Arabic and Devanagari numerals', hi: 'नागरी और अरबी अंकों में परिवर्तन करें' } }, maps = { // 0 to 9 devanagari: [ '०', '१', '२', '३', '४', '५', '६', '७', '८', '९' ], arabic: [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ] }, compatCookie = { '-1': 'default', '0' : 'arabic', '1': 'devanagari' }, // For consistency recreate these objects locally in older browsers so that // we can use the same constants in fallback code as well. NodeFilter = window.NodeFilter || { FILTER_ACCEPT: 1, FILTER_REJECT: 2, FILTER_SKIP: 3 }, Node = window.Node || { TEXT_NODE: 3 };

// Fallback for document.createTreeWalker for older browsers (IE6-8) function walkTheDomFallback(node, filter, apply) { var val = filter(node); switch (val) { case NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT: apply(node); node = node.firstChild; break; case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT: node = node.nextSibling; break; case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP: node = node.firstChild; break; } while (node) { walkTheDomFallback(node, apply); node = node.nextSibling; } }

function walkTheDom(filter, apply) { if (document.createTreeWalker) { w = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, filter, false); while (el = w.nextNode()) { apply(el); } } else { walkTheDomFallback(document.body, filter, apply); } }

function msg(key) { return msgs[key][mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')] || msgs[key].en; }

function getMatchers(target) { var rChars; if (!matchers[target]) { rChars = { 0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: [] }; $.each(maps, function (type, map) { if (type !== target) { for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { rChars[i].push(map[i]); } } }); rChars = $.map(rChars, function (chars) { return new RegExp('(' + $.map(chars, $.escapeRE).join('|') + ')', 'g'); }); matchers[target] = rChars; } return matchers[target]; }

/** * @singleton */ num = window.Numerakri = { matchers: matchers,

/** * @property {string} One of 'default', 'arabic' or 'devanagari'. * default leaves the page unchanged (default). */ type: 'default',

/** * @property {jQuery|null} The HTML interface. May or may not be * attached to the document yet. */ $int: null,

/** * @param {HTMLElement|TextNode} el */ filterNode: function (el) { var n = el.nodeName && el.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (n === 'input' || n === 'textarea' || $(el).hasClass('mw-numerakri-skip')) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } if (el.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; },

/** * @method * @param {TextNode} el */ handleTextNode: function (el) { var live = el.nodeValue, fix = live, matchers = getMatchers(num.type), i = 0; for (; i <= 9; i++) { fix = fix.replace(matchers[i], maps[num.type][i]); } if (live !== fix) { el.nodeValue = fix; } },

isValidType: function (type) { return type === 'default' || !!maps[type]; },

/** * Register an additional type. * * @example * num.addType('arabic', { map: [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ] }); * @param {string} type ID * @param {Object} data Contents: * - {Object} map * - {string|Object} msg [optional] Label for this type or translations of labels, * keyed by language code. Defaults to ucFirst transformation of ID. */ addType: function (type, data) { if (type && data && $.isArray(data.map)) { // Map maps[type] = data.map;

// Messages if (data.msg) { if ($.isPlainObject(data.msg)) { if (!data.msg.en) { data.msg.en = $.ucFirst(type); } } else { data.msg = { en: String(data.msg) }; } } else { data.msg = { en: $.ucFirst(type) }; } msgs['option-' + type] = data.msg;

if (this.$select) { this.$select.append( $('<option>').val(type) .text(msg('option-' + type)) .prop('selected', this.getStoredType() === type) ); } return true; } return false; },

/** * @method * @param {string} type One of 'arabic' or 'devanagari'. * @throws Error */ setType: function (type) { if (!this.isValidType(type)) { mw.log('Unknown Numerakri type: ' + type); return false; }

this.type = type;

// Remember for 30 days $.cookie('mw-numerakri-type', type, { expires: 30, path: '/' });

this.convertPage(); },

/** * @return {string|undefined} */ getStoredType: function () { // From cookie var stored = $.cookie('mw-numerakri-type');

// From cookie (old version) if (!stored) { stored = compatCookie[$.cookie('numconvert')]; }

return stored; },

/** * Do the conversion. * @method */ convertPage: function () { if (this.type === 'default') { // Type 'default' means "don't change the page". return; }

switch (this.type) { case 'arabic': $('ol:lang(hi) li, ol.references, li.references').css('list-style-type', 'decimal'); break; case 'devanagari': $('ol:lang(hi) li, ol.references, li.references').css('list-style-type', 'devanagari'); break; }

walkTheDom(this.filterNode, this.handleTextNode); },

setupInterface: function () { var $select, stored; $select = $('<select>').addClass('mw-numerakri-skip').append( $('<option>').val('default').text(msg('option-default')), // $.map returns an array $.map(maps, function (map, type) { return $('<option>').val(type).text(msg('option-' + type)); }) );

stored = num.getStoredType(); if (stored) { // Set initial value from storage $select.val(stored); num.setType(stored); }

$select.change(function () { num.setType(this.value); });

if (num.$select) { num.$select.replaceWith($select); } else { num.$select = $select; } },

attachInterface: function () { var potlet, $menu;

if (num.$select === null) { num.setupInterface(); }

$('#pt-numconvert').remove(); // Just in case potlet = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-personal', msg('label-url'), msg('label-text'), 'pt-numconvert', msg('label-tooltip'), null, mw.user.isAnon() ? '#pt-createaccount' : '#pt-userpage' );

$menu = $('


$(potlet).append($menu); } };


mw.loader.using('mediawiki.user', function () { $(document).ready(num.attachInterface); });

})(mediaWiki, jQuery);

-ले, NehalDaveND ०९:४७, १६ मार्च २०१४ (UTC)

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